The Institute for Absolute Psychologism Inc.

~ Ray Coutant, Ph.D. in Communications
(December 18, 1933 - January 6, 2019)

Announcing ABSOLUTEPSY.ORG -- Ray Coutant's website launched December 28, 2018, is now discontinued at that URL due to Ray's unexpected passing on January 6, 2019. I first met Ray Coutant in 1964, when he was Director of the Fairfield, Connecticut YMCA, when he sponsored a so-called "T-group" (Therapy), for group discussions on issues of developmental psychology. As a life-long devotee of Ray's intellectual work, and with his wife Tempa Coutant's permission, I have replicated his home page here on, and am in the process of adding outlines of my conversational notes with him over the past decade. There is much more to come, with substantive reconstructions of detailed conversations, audio recordings, and scholarly references.
  Hegelism in the 21st century  

Psychologism is a philosophical position, according to which psychology plays a central role in grounding or explaining some other, non-psychological type of fact or law. (Wikipedia)

Hegel in Phenomenology of Spirit (1807): Consciousness is spirit as concrete, self-aware knowledge.

Hegel, an early 19th Century philosopher, labeled his metaphysical system as the science of Spirit. The spiritual process is to evolve consciousness in the universe eventually through the aid of human intellectual products both conscious and unconscious to man. Hegel built a new logic based, not on the immediate world of obvious relations, but on the intricate patterns of language forms leading to thoughts, which he proposed in some aspect, reflected the workings of spirit. Here then, humans could produce creative products in reflection of the creative process of the Universe. Rejecting the empirical, mechanical methods of a static mental perspective, but through introspection and thought experiments, Hegel proposed a dynamic system of a spiraling-web interplay restructuring mental perspectives he called the Dialectic. This paradigm preserved the past mental states but created new ones through new viewpoints giving the thinker greater freedom in creative possibilities but greater complexity in his products.

The Universe is also evolving in consciousness and the result is more and more complexity. There are two points here: Technologies without metaphysics cannot adapt with primitive Ego functions such as repression and neurosis, and they will need to be expanded with the development of poetry, music, mathematics, etc.

We will study two other thinkers who came to similar viewpoints: Nietzsche and Freud as well as more contemporary thinkers.

Please sign up to receive a newsletter of our progress we plan to finalize early in 2019 and receive more extended position papers to help you prepare for your education.

  ~ Ray Coutant, Ph.D. (1933-2019)  
  For further information: Please contact Johnes Ruta, Independent Curator & Art Theorist:  
  Website in progress. More conversational philosophical text to be added soon.  
by Johnes Ruta, friend and devotee since 1964.
  May 16, 2013  
  The Golden Mean - sections and means.  
  Pythagoras (c.570 Samos - c.495 BCE Croton)  
Samos, Ionia  
  * Pythagoras traveled to study mathematics in the temple of Memphis, Egypt on the recommendation of the astronomer Thales, to reference contemporary priests there to the teacher priests of Thales, years before. He is accepted for years in the study of mathematics, geometry, and astronomical observation.  
  * On the invasion of Persian army under Cambyses into Egypt c. 530 BCE, Pythagoras is arrested as a foreigner. He is taken to Baghdad under Persian control and, due to the demonstration of his mathmatical skills, is given as a slave to the Magi
Priests there. The Magi are mathematicians and astronomers in possession of tablets of vast astronomical tables compiled
by the Babylonians from the 2nd millenium BCE, and from the Sumerians going back to the 4th Millennium BCE.
  * After 20 years in the service of the Magi Priests, Pythagoras is released to return to his homeland. He brings with him the
knowledge of the mythos of Sophia, the Eastern goddess of Wisdom. He qualifies himself a "lover of Wisdom, a
"philo-Sophia." In Samos, he opens a school, where structural geometry is theorized and taught. Women are accepted
as students. The term "sophos," though its origin was obscure, had already been in use for generations as being applied to
tradesmen, such as carpenters, masons, and others, who were masters at their craft.

  * Pythagoras' school comes into political conflict with the Polycrates, the tyrant of Samos, so Pythagoras moves his  
  academy to Croton, a Greek colony at the southern end of the Italian peninsula.  
  Empedocles (494 Akragas, Sicily - 434 BCE Akragas)  
  structure in the brain  
  abstracted in the brain
  structure of evolution  
  Topolgy of the brain  
  L. E J. Brower d. 1916: "Life, Art, & Mysticism"  
  intuitionism led to mathematics  

Relevence in the 21st century to Hegel.

  * basis in the Unconscious = evolution.  
  * structure of Reality (Gnostic theory of the "Hypostasis of the Archons")  
  * Hegel:: "The brain is a result of Universal Principles."  
  Ray Coutant developing principle: "Mathematics is the structure of the cosmos and of the
material world -- but there is something unexplained, deeper and metaphysical, under the
working principles of mathematics. We now have seen that the principles of Mathematics and
numbers work down to the farthest subnuclear level of the three-part Quark, the up- and the
down-Quark and the fire Gluon connector. --- But, what we don't understand is WHY these
principles are so-constructed or what mathematical synchronicity set them up in this way? This
is the key question of an ineffable force of the cosmos.

The internal structure of animal and plant life also follows this pattern in neural and cellular structures.
  * neural structure = the structure of the universe  
  Excerpt from the article on the Science of Logic:

Science of Logic (SL; German: Wissenschaft der Logik,
WdL), first published between 1812 and 1816, is the work in which Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) outlined his vision of logic. Hegel's logic is a system of dialectics, i.e., a dialectical metaphysics: it is a development of the principle that thought and being constitute a single and active unity. Science of Logic also incorporates the traditional Aristotelian syllogism: It is conceived as a phase of the "original unity of thought and being" rather than as a detached, formal instrument of inference.

For Hegel, the most important achievement of German idealism, starting with Immanuel Kant and culminating in his own philosophy, was the argument that reality (being) is shaped through and through by thought and is, in a strong sense, identical to thought. Thus ultimately the structures of thought and being, subject and object, are identical. Since for Hegel the underlying structure of all of reality is ultimately rational, logic is not merely about reasoning or argument but rather is also the rational, structural core of all of reality and every dimension of it. Thus Hegel's Science of Logic includes among other things analyses of being, nothingness, becoming, existence, reality, essence, reflection, concept, and method. As developed, it included the fullest description of his dialectic.

Hegel's general concept of logic

According to Hegel, logic is the form taken by the science of thinking in general. He thought that, as it had hitherto been practiced, this science demanded a total and radical reformulation "from a higher standpoint." At the end of the preface he wrote that "Logic is the thinking of God." His stated goal with The Science of Logic was to overcome what he perceived to be a common flaw running through all other former systems of logic, namely that they all presupposed a complete separation between the content of cognition (the world of objects, held to be entirely independent of thought for their existence), and the form of cognition (the thoughts about these objects, which by themselves are pliable, indeterminate and entirely dependent upon their conformity to the world of objects to be thought of as in any way true). This unbridgeable gap found within the science of reason was, in his view, a carryover from everyday, phenomenal, unphilosophical consciousness.

The task of extinguishing this opposition within consciousness Hegel believed he had already accomplished in his book Phänomenologie des Geistes [The Phenomenology of Spirit {or Mind}] (1807) with the final attainment of Absolute Knowing: "Absolute knowing is the truth of every mode of consciousness because ... it is only in absolute knowing that the separation of the object from the certainty of itself is completely eliminated: truth is now equated with certainty and certainty with truth." Once thus liberated from duality, the science of thinking no longer requires an object or a matter outside of itself to act as a touchstone for its truth, but rather takes the form of its own self-mediated exposition and development which eventually comprises within itself every possible mode of rational thinking. "It can therefore be said," says Hegel, "that this content is the exposition of God as he is in his eternal essence before the creation of nature and a finite mind." The German word Hegel employed to denote this post-dualist form of consciousness was Begriff (traditionally translated either as Concept or Notion).

  Hegel in the 21st century  
  questions of the basis of the Unconscious = Evolution.  
  Hegel : "The brain is a result of Universal Principles." This is the structure of Reality.  
  "Mathematics creates the structure. But there is something deeper under the mathematics, which are the principles of the ineffable and amourphous elements of the Unconscious." The neural structure of the brain has a n equivalence to the structure of the Universe.  
  Frederich Wilhelm Nietszche (1844-1900):  
  "We are not in charge of our evolution. -- We must keep trying to move our evolution forward ourselves."  
  "Psychoanalysis is basically Hegelian, and subsequently Hermaneutic."  
  "There is no such thing as Time in the Unconscious."  
  "The structure of the Mind is indentical with the structure of the Universe."  

  Johnes Ruta note: I would expand the heretofore vague notion of "the dialectical method" to clearly relate the historical progression and continuous conversation of "philosophers" through time. That is to say, that dialectical argument and comment can be addressed to pre-deceased commentators, both to support and expand their contributed works and theories, or to indicate discrepancies in those arguments, or to take antithetical, synthesized, or further syllogized positions.  
Pythagoras (569 -495 BCE ) -- travels in Egypt to study astronomy. First visiting the elder astronomer Thales of Miletus, the young Pythagoas is given the names of Thales mentor prients in the same temple in Memphis, and told to give his name there and the names of the teachers Thales had studied with many years previously. Pythagoras is accepted when present teachers know the names of Thales' masters of years past. Pythagoras studies there for 20 years until the invasion of the Persian army of Cambyses, when he is taken prisoner as a foreigner. Demonstrating his mathematics skills to his captors, he is given as a slave to the mathematician Magi Priests of Baghdad. Pythagoras is introduced to the extensive astronomical tables of the Babylonians, and to their Creation gospels, including the narrative etymology of Sophia the goddess of Wisdom.

After 12 years working with the Magi, Pythagoras is given his freedom to return to Samos, where he opens an Academy to study mathematics and geometry. Women are welcomed as students here. Pythagoras coins the term "philoSophia" to identify a lover of Wisdom. The Eastern term "sophos" had long before been incorporated into the Greek language to identify a person who is master of his trade, such as building, carpentry, or masonry; but this new term applies to a new type of persuit for the studies of Ethics, Mathematics, Music, Metaphysics, Politics, and Mysticism.

As a center for free studies, the Academy eventually comes into conflict with Polycrates, the dictator of Samos, and Pythagoras moves the Academy to the city of Kroton (Croton), a Greek colony, located on the "sole" of the "boot of Italy." The Academy flourishes there, and its teachings filter strongly into the Helenic traditions of learning and scholarship.

  Website in progress. More conversational philosophical text to be added soon.